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Search Results for: IR Lenses (358)

The Correct Material for Infrared (IR) Applications

Using an Infrared Application? Discover the importance of choosing the right material and comparisons of each at Edmund Optics.

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UV vs. IR Grade Fused Silica

UV grade fused silica is ideal for UV and visible applications, but IR grade fused silica has better transmission in the IR due to a lack of OH- impurities.

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You offer many substrates for UV and IR applications. How do I know which is best for me?

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Infrared (IR) Spectrum

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Future of Spherical Lenses

Traditional spherical lenses are evolving due to the increasing demands of applications. Learn about the future of spherical lenses at Edmund Optics.

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What are aspheric condenser lenses?

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When should I use an IR cut filter and when should I use heat absorbing glass?

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All About Aspheric Lenses

Learn all about the benefits of aspheres, their unique anatomy, how they're manufactured, and how to choose the right one for your system.

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Why plastic aspheric lenses?

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Can ruggedization make lenses waterproof?

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What are M12 (S-Mount) lenses?

M12 or S-Mount lenses are a type of compact imaging lens used in space-constrained applications.

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I recently removed the IR cut filter from my camera and did not replace it with any type of clear glass. It has since lost sensitivity in the IR, which was the goal, but also focus ability in the optics. Can you explain why this is so?

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Sensors and Lenses

Imaging lenses and sensors must be paired together with special attention.

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Trending Liquid Lenses in Imaging

Quickly Autofocus and Overcome Depth of Field Limitations

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What are the benefits of aspheric lenses compared to standard singlet lenses?

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What are the different types of aspheric lenses?

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Achromatic Lenses Review

Learn about EO's most popular family of optical lenses and discover if achromatic lenses are ideal for your next application.

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Ruggedized Imaging Lenses

Not all ruggedized imaging lenses feature the same type of ruggedization. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each type at Edmund Optics.

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Are there any disadvantages to Polarization Directed Lenses?

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What is the significance of the different glass types listed for the lenses that you carry?

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Ruggedized Imaging Lenses

Edmund Optics® manufactures several different types of ruggedized imaging lens assemblies.

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Liquid Lens Telecentric Lenses

Image Quality of a Telecentric with the Flexibility of a Liquid Lens

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Aspheric Lenses Review

What is an aspheric lens? In what applications are aspheric lenses used?

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Optotune Focus-Tunable Lenses Review

Optotune Focus-Tunable lenses feature a liquid polymer substrate with continuous focusability.

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CNC Polished Aspheric Lenses

CNC polished aspheric lenses offer high numerical apertures while creating diffraction-limited spot sizes and are ideal for high-precision applications.

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Plastic Molded Aspheric Lenses

Lightweight, cost-effective aspheric lenses with a lower scratch resistance and thermal stability than molded glass aspheres.

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Achromatic Singlet Lenses

Novel aspheric lenses that correct for chromatic focal shift using a unique geometry rather than multiple substrate materials connected together.

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Types of Machine Vision Lenses

Fixed focal length, zoom, and macro lenses are all variable magnification lenses. Learn more at Edmund Optics.

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What are the advantages of Polarization Directed Lenses?

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Imaging Performance of Telecentric Lenses

Telecentric lenses eliminate perspective and measurement error, and are ideal for measurement and gauging applications.

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